A new clinic which specialises in providing contraceptive services has opened in suburban Melbourne, going by the sacreligious name of “Ave Maria.” The sign for the clinic features two hands in what could be interpreted as a gesture of prayer.

The clinic’s owner is Dr. Wagdi William Nagib. Originally from Egypt, he acquired a Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery at Ain Shams University in1983. As well as providing contraception, Dr. Nagib is an accredited skin cancer doctor and maternity doctor. He is also listed on the World Vasectomy Day website. Dr. Nagib’s wife, Mervat works at the clinic as a receptionist.

Many Catholics have phoned the clinic in recent weeks to enquire of the owners if their decision was based on ignorance or malice. The business-owners require callers to leave a message and do not answer calls directly; they have yet to answer those queries and comments. One Catholic caller even made an offer to pay for any costs incurred in the event the owners choose to rename their business to something less offensive.

The clinic provides services for both men and women: vasectomy for men, and for women, Implanon, IUDs and Depo-Provera injections. As many readers already are already aware, any form of hormonal contraception has the potential to dislodge a tiny embryo from the womb, causing an early abortion. [For more information on the dangers of hormonal contraception, see our Truth Pack pamphlets here.]

The decision by the owners to name their business ‘Ave Maria’ was met with indignation by Victorian Catholics.

As one woman commented to FLI, “Our Lady was humbly open to life at the moment when the angel uttered the words, ‘Ave Maria.’ This clinic takes those words and applies them to something which is completely opposed to life: contraception.”

A small group of Catholics from various parts of Melbourne gathered on the clinic’s opening day to offer prayers of reparation for the blasphemy. Devotions in honour of the Holy Face were recited and a Holy Face banner was on display.

Tony Ireland, the Bishop responsible for the South-Eastern suburbs of Melbourne, was alerted to the clinic’s opening and took the complaints seriously. He responded with a letter stating that his concern that Catholics could be misled by the title, ‘Ave Maria’ and think that the clinic was operated by the Church.

In his letter, Bishop Ireland also said that the Archdiocese “may write to the Australian Business Register objecting to the business name” being used for “purposes that are less than religious.”

Please sign this petition below, your email address is only kept as a signature on the Family Life International internal system.


Dr. Wagdi William Nagib

"As Catholics, we object to the sacrilegious use of "Ave Maria" as a business name for your contraceptives Clinic.

It is deeply offensive to those of us who revere the Mother of God. The name you have chosen is a misrepresentation as it suggests your business has the support of the Catholic Church, whereas nothing could be further from the truth."

%%your signature%%

24 signatures

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