Details on vaccines and other drugs associated with aborted foetal cell lines in development and/or testing.


There are now approaching twenty aborted baby cell lines developed and in use. Many are scattered across the National Childhood Immunization Schedule in Australia. Here is a partial list:

●     A little girl from Sweden, taken at three months gestation in 1962, gave the Wistar Institute the fetal cell line 38 (WI-38)

●     a little boy, ‘caucasian’, taken in 1963 at three months gestation gave the Wistar Institute the cell line 26 (WI-26)

●     another Swedish girl in 1964 at three months gestation had the cell line WI-44 taken from her

●     a British boy at fourteen weeks gestation in 1966 had the cell line MRC-5 taken from his harvested lung tissue

●     a little girl at fifteen weeks gestation in 1974 dissected immediately following delivery yielded MRC-9

●     a sixteen week gestation little girl in 1975 produced cell line 90 for the Institute of Medical Research, IMR-90 (planned to replace aborted fetal cell line WI-38)

●     a little boy at twelve weeks gestation in 1983, whose cells were intended to replace cell line MRC-5 from his lung and skin tissue

●     a baby girl from Holland of unknown gestation in 1972 yielded her human embryonic kidney cells, HEK-293

●     a baby boy from Holland in 1980 at eighteen weeks gestation produced Primary Human Embryonic Retinal Cells, Clone 6 (PER.C6)

●     a little girl from China was at three months gestation in 2009. This little one had a water bag abortion so that a rapid alive birth could facilitate organ harvesting. She, producing Walvax 2, was owned by Walvax Biotech Inc.  Her cells were planned to replace stocks of the WI-38 and MRC-5 aborted fetal cell lines.

The following is taken from the booklet
“Conscience and Vaccines” by Fr Ambrose Astor (a pseudonym) available from FLI Aust.

“Another misconception is that organs are salvaged after the abortion. Although this is in itself a heinous crime, the harvesting of organs for medical research is far more premeditated. The following is an excerpt from a 2015 publication in a medical journal regarding the development of a new foetal cell line (walvax-2):

‘The foetal material was provided by the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of Yunnan Hospital, with legal and ethical agreements from the donator. Before the study, we made strict and comprehensive inclusion criteria in order to guarantee a high-quality cell strain:

1.       gestational age 2 to 4 months;

2.       induction of labor with the water bag method;

3.       the parent’s career should not involve contact with chemicals and radiation;

4.       both parents are in good health without neoplastic and genetic diseases, and with no history of human tissue or organ transplantation in the families traced for 3 generations; and

5.       no infectious diseases. The tissues from the freshly aborted foetuses were immediately sent to the laboratory for the preparation of the cells.

In simple language: several infants of a gestational age of 2-4 months were screened, picked for their gender, race and pristine medical history. The date of the abortion is chosen, labour is induced, organs are extracted while the child is alive (denoted by the word ‘fresh’), then transported. The cause of death is the removal of the organs by vivisection. The method described above in 2015 is virtually unchanged from the method of organ harvesting in 1952.”

The attached work of FLI’s Director of Research displays the reliance of many vaccines and other medical products upon multiple aborted foetal cell lines, over several decades.

In many cases we have found direct evidence that a human foetal cell line was involved, e.g. from the ‘label’ (package insert, etc). This is indicated in the reports.

Sometimes we have relied on other publicly available information.

These reports are not comprehensive. They reflect the current state of our research. If no untainted products are shown for a given purpose, there may still exist some, not yet found or under consideration.

Readers are encouraged to do their own research. We are not promoting any particular products, tainted or untainted but merely providing the information shown to assist people to avoid the tainted ones.

Conscience and Vaccines – A Critical Analysis from a Catholic Perspective.


Vaccines and other drugs associated with
aborted foetal cell lines in development and/or testing.

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