Written by Kathy Clubb It was a great shock last week to learn of the death of young Queensland activist, Wilson Gavin, which happened under tragic circumstances. Wilson had been involved [...]
Written by Kathy Clubb There are many parallels between the story of Our Lady’s appearance at Guadalupe and the work of those committed to ending abortion. From the rescuing of innocents [...]
Written by Kathy Clubb When Our Lady appeared on Tepeyac hill at Guadalupe five hundred years ago, the good effects her apparition made on the culture were immediately apparent. Conversion [...]
Written by Kathy Clubb Just when we thought that the Christmas celebrations would provide a break from controversy, the Vatican disappointed yet again by honouring the Earth Mother at a [...]
Written by Kathy Clubb An interesting post by the PGM of South Australia, MW Bro Steve Michalak, regarding the stance of the Catholic Church and the craft. “During my term as Grand [...]
Written by Kathy Clubb Back in July, I wrote an article for The Remnant on a Queensland priest who publicly admits to having been a Freemason for more than a decade. While that is shocking [...]
Written by Kathy Clubb In 2018, representatives of the Catholic Church signed a controversial accord with China known as the Sino-Vatican Provisional Agreement, which some say has [...]
Written by Kathy Clubb One highlight of my recent trip to the US was spending a few days in New York with Monsignor Reilly, founder of the Helpers of God’s Precious Infants. This was my [...]
Written by Kathy Clubb While in the US, I had the opportunity to catch up with several prominent pro-life leaders. I asked three of them what they would say to Australian pro-lifers who [...]
David Bereit – Interview with Kathy Clubb on Monsignor Philip Reilly and how he influenced 40 Days for Life. Hi David, it’s lovely to be here in Virginia with you. Can you tell me a little [...]
Written by Kathy Clubb Faithful Catholics who had been scandalised by the presence of pagan idols during the Amazon Synod received another blow when Pope Francis apologised for their [...]
Written by Kathy Clubb In 1996, FLI’s Gail Instance wrote a comprehensive article called ALP Conscience Vote is the pro-abortion Trojan Horse. The article spans almost 30 years of [...]
Written by Kathy Clubb One of the more concerning aspects of climate hysteria is its association with population control. Limiting family size or choosing not to have children at all is [...]
Written by Kathy Clubb Last week’s article looked at the Fourth Revolution, as predicted by Plinio Corrêa de Oliviera in his classic book, Revolution and Counter-Revolution. This article [...]
Written by Kathy Clubb Dr. Plinio Corrêa de Oliviera was the founder of the Brazilian Society for the Defence of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP). His classic book, Revolution and [...]
Written by Kathy Clubb FLI will be teaming up with Life Choice for a couple of events in Melbourne in the coming months. In preparation for this, I’ve had to refresh my memory with some [...]
Written by Kathy Clubb It has been obvious for some time that the truth is being undermined at all levels of Australian society, from the startling epidemic of gender dysphoria to the [...]
Written by Kathy Clubb The spectre of the terror attacks perpetrated on US soil nineteen years ago still haunts the world’s collective memory. For members of the pro-life community, there is [...]
Written by Kathy Clubb From worshipping in a mosque to getting sex ed from Mormons, Australia’s Catholic schools have definitely lost the plot. FLI has been reporting on this for [...]
Written by Kathy Clubb The 45th G7 summit was held last week in Biarritz, France and covered the kind of social-engineering agenda that has come to be expected from similar globalist [...]