Survivors and the Seal of Confession

By James Parker, July 2020 What words does the phrase ‘child sexual abuse and the Catholic Church’ conjure up in your mind? Perhaps the words darkness, shame, secrets, destruction, the glory in [...]

Sacrifice Withheld

This article first appeared in the online version of the Catholic Weekly in the 19th April edition.   A couple of weeks ago, my friend and colleague Peter Holmes published an article [...]

They have taken away my Lord

Written by Kathy Clubb   “They say to her: Woman, why weepest thou? She saith to them: Because they have taken away my Lord; and I know not where they have laid him.” [John 20:13] Catholics [...]

Day of the Unborn Child 2017

The brilliant blue sky was the perfect setting for the 18th Day of the Unborn Child in Sydney to be led by His Grace, Archbishop Anthony Fisher following on from the 10.30am Mass at St. Mary’s [...]

What You Should Know About Gardasil

The Gardasil vaccine will be rolled out to boys age 12 and 13 in schools nationally from semester one next year. Year 9 boys will have a two-year catch-up program as well. It is expected 870,000 [...]

Abortion and Fatima

Communist Russia was the first country to legalise abortion. It was in 1917, two years after Our Lady appeared at Fatima. The communist regime had birth control high on its agenda and with [...]

Synod on the Family

It was announced in October 2013 that a Synod on the family would be held in Rome during October 2014, followed by a General Synod of Bishops on the same topic in October of 2015. About 150 Synod [...]

Homebush Abortuary closes its doors

It is with gratitude to God that we report the closing of a once-thriving abortion mill. After many years in the business of death, the Marie Stopes facility in Homebush NSW, has folded. Since [...]

Heart of Paternity

Pater Noster… When teaching his disciples how to pray, Jesus began with ‘Our Father’. He addressed God as ‘Abba’, and taught us to do the same. This was a term equivalent to ‘Daddy’, or the [...]