Zoe’s Law Update

Written by Kathy Clubb   There has been a lot of frantic activity by some pro-lifers and political operatives in relation to the renewal of the attempt to bring “Zoe’s law” [...]

Day of the Unborn Child 2017

The brilliant blue sky was the perfect setting for the 18th Day of the Unborn Child in Sydney to be led by His Grace, Archbishop Anthony Fisher following on from the 10.30am Mass at St. Mary’s [...]

NSW Minister for Women

Media’s reaction to the new NSW Minister for Women’s position on Abortion A new Premier in NSW and a new Cabinet and the sanctimonious media make sure they let their disapproval be known. Mainly [...]

Abortion and Fatima

Communist Russia was the first country to legalise abortion. It was in 1917, two years after Our Lady appeared at Fatima. The communist regime had birth control high on its agenda and with [...]

Abortion and the Eclipse of Reason

A characteristic mark of a society drifting towards totalitarianism is that its political, economic and cultural elites wield power so as to suppress expressions of opposition from those who [...]


A lustful world with its unrestrained and immoral sexual activity creates a demand for abortion as the back-up for failed contraception. Any method of abortion which can streamline the process, [...]

A step into the unknown

Between the 24th of June and the 6th of July, I had the fantastic opportunity to join a group of young Australians for a retreat in New York run by Monsignor Reilly. I and two other young people [...]

Slaughterhouse Live

Out of a Philadelphia abortuary comes a grisly tale of horror that could have been made in China. “Pennsylvania is not a third-world country,” the grand jury investigating abortionist Kermit [...]

40 Days Global Report 2010

The worldwide 40 Days community concluded their respective Lenten campaigns for life at the stroke of midnight Palm Sunday evening. It was the sixth centrally coordinated 40 Days effort since the [...]

Pray to End Abortion

  ‘Pray to End Abortion’ is the concise slogan of the 40 Days for Life campaign. This exhortation implies that it is possible to bring an end to abortion – completely. In the political arm [...]

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