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Barren Beds Over All Tellus – Contraception Revisited (20 copies)

by Dom Pius Mary Noonan OSB, STD

Suggested Donation $100

SKU: CONREV-1-1 Category: Tag:


“I asked Father Pius Mary Noonan at the Notre Dame Priory in Tasmania to write an article on contraception looking at the issue morally, historically and scientifically as a rebuttal to the appalling statements and documents coming from the Pontifical Academy for Life (PAV) in Rome following the massive changes being made to the membership of the academy. An example of which is the publication of the book, “Theological Ethics of Life. Scripture, Tradition, Practical Challenges” which is basically an apologia for contraceptive use and is absolutely no different to the Anglican permission in 1930 at the Lambeth conference to which Pope Pius XI responded with the excellent encyclical Casti Connubii.
“We would like to thank Father Pius especially as well as the consulting priests who reviewed the article for their time and dedication in producing this outstanding work which covers the issue of the licitness of contraceptive practices from every perspective possible.
“We hope it provides faithful Catholics with a complete defence of the Catholic Church’s teaching on contraception which can be used to guide and educate children, wayward family members and non Catholics into full communion with the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. God bless.” – Paul Hanrahan, Executive Director, Family Life International Australia