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by Abby Johnson

Suggested Donation $25

SKU: unplanned Category:


Praise for unPLANNED from Pro-Life Leaders

” Abby Johnson is one of the bravest people I know. Once she realised the truth, Abby had the courage to leave the abortion industry and become a powerful voice for the defenseless. Her inspiring story challenges us to face the truth about the abortion industry and its many victims.”   Lila Rose | President, Live Action

“Abby’s story is one of great moral courage in an age that groans for lack of it. Hers is a modern parable of hope for us all, witnessing to the truth that sets the human heart free. A riveting story.”  Marjorie Dannenfelser | President, Susan B. Anthony List

“Abby is a powerful witness to the tireless efforts and prayers of those working on the frontlines in the culture of death so prevalent today. Her story exposes the lies and dirty secrets of the abortion industry and reminds all of us fighting abortion to never lose hope.”   Teresa Tomeo | Sydicated Catholic talk-show host

“Reading the miraculous story of Abby’s conversion is nothing short of amazing! She stands as an example of real encouragement to those in the pro-life movement that all things are possible with God.”   Jim Nolan | President, Crossroads Pro-Life


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