Written by Kathy Clubb Although there are many reasons not to support the ALP at Victoria’s upcoming state election, there is none of more concern to parents than Labor’s horrific policy [...]
Written by Kathy Clubb When Archbishop Fulton Sheen wrote that the Our Lord’s crowning with thorns was suffered by Him in reparation for sins of the intellect, he could have had in mind [...]
Written by Kathy Clubb Although elements of paganism have been creeping into various parishes and dioceses for some time, the blatant idolatry on display during the 2019 Amazon [...]
Written by Kathy Clubb In an astounding reversal, a proposed law that would have forced Catholic hospitals to provide abortions was rejected by Victoria’s Upper House this week. Put [...]
Written by Kathy Clubb The Second Assembly of Australia’s Plenary Council is underway this week, and while the organisers have designated this session as part of the “celebration [...]
Written by Kathy Clubb Last Friday, on the Feast of the Sacred Heart, the US Supreme Court released its much-anticipated decision on abortion law, concluding that abortion is not a [...]
By Kathy Clubb Parramatta Diocese’s Bishop Long has unveiled the latest iteration of his safeguarding programme, dubbed “The Parramatta Way”, and it is illustrative of some problems which [...]
Written by Kathy Clubb On Tuesday May 24th, the feast of Our Lady, Help of Christians, the Victorian Liberals voted to expel Bernie Finn from the party after forty years of faithful [...]
Written by Kathy Clubb The Victorian Liberal party has threatened a pro-life politician with losing preselection because of his social media comments in support of life. Bernie Finn, who [...]
Written by Kathy Clubb The Pope’s recent consecration of Russia, Ukraine and the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary has led many to revisit the messages of Sr Lucia, the [...]
Written by Kathy Clubb Late last year, Augusto Zimmerman and Aramis DeBarros wrote a comprehensive and rather chilling overview of the part played by medical professionals in Hitler’s [...]
Written by Kathy Clubb The concept of the university was envisaged some 800 years ago, and was established as universitas magistrorum et scholarium – a community of teachers and scholars. [...]
Written by Kathy Clubb Reignite Democracy Australia (RDA) has been one of the country’s most successful grassroots movements in recent times, galvanising the widespread opposition to harsh COVID [...]
Written by Kathy Clubb It seems that lately, every day brings some new threat, fear or grief, whether from within the Church or our civil leaders who are working in lockstep with the globalists. [...]
Written by Kathy Clubb A pro-contraception campaign by Monash University has backfired because of misconceptions around women’s “reproductive health” privacy – the same [...]
Written by Kathy Clubb A doula is a female birth attendant, who traditionally has provided non-medical support to a labouring mother. Her role has always been distinct from that of the [...]
Written by Kathy Clubb An Australian academic has released the findings of her doctoral research which shows how doctors, nurses and counsellors routinely hide facts about abortion from [...]
Written by Kathy Clubb It is now eighteen months since the release of the infamous Pew Research poll[1] on the Holy Eucharist, a poll which exposed the staggering ignorance of Catholics [...]
Written by Kathy Clubb An Australian document designed to undermine orthodox Catholicism may soon become the model for governance of the universal Church. The document is being hailed by [...]
Written by Kathy Clubb FLI recently reported that Satanists in Queensland had invoked their ‘right to religious freedom’ when holding a public Black Mass at a community arts venue. That [...]